Another Project – Bottle Rocket Gun

Posted: July 7, 2011 in Miscellaneous

Seems bombs and guns are the main subject over 4th of July Weekend (at least at our house).  So we stopped by Home Depot to get some small sized PVC piping, caps and connectors to make grips.  We would load bottle rockets in the tube but cut the stick to 1/2 length to give them less weight but they will still fly true.  Shooting off several rounds found that they would get high enough the mortar fireworks round would go.   The big drawback is lighting the fuse which is awkward using either a lighter or even a punk.  So we built the gun, did some test firing and wanted more out of it.  So on went camo paint and a PVC scope tube.  On to the celebration.

Flat Black - looks boring.

Now that looks much better - camo and scope.

After firing off over 150 bottle rockets we need to make some improvements.  This will include:

  • Clear Blast Shield (reduce sparks hitting your arms and face) – not pleasant especially when you want to use the scope
  • Better way to quickly light the fuse – maybe a onboard lighter of some kind.  Or…rebuild the gun with multiple Barrels with trigger activated torch lighter to ensure fuse light ???

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